Current made-to-order status is up to 14 days from your order being made to your order arriving with you.
With the exception of our Kailani Hoops which the preorder is 4 weeks from the date of order to dispatch
If the pair of earrings you want are not currently in stock, you can place a made-to-order order on the items for when they become available. Please note that preorders take us up to at least 14 days at least but make sure to check our current status on this page.
For UK orders made-to-order items will be sent separately to your in-stock items as and when they are ready for you. For International orders, made-to-order and in-stock items will be sent together to prevent customs fees incurring twice.
Please ensure you check for the made-to-order email notification you would have received from us if you aren't sure whether you preordered an item or not. Please only email us regarding made orders if your expected preparation time has passed and you have not yet received a dispatch email from us.